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News - 14/01/20

CHC recruits for new Works and Asset Manager role

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) is currently recruiting for the new position of ‘Works & Asset Manager’. This is a permanent project management role with responsibility for the day-to-day maintenance and procurement of all CHC’s marine and property assets (including moorings, vessels, plant/equipment, and properties), as well as the management of capital projects. 

The successful candidate will have a marine engineering background and/or marine works and maintenance contract experience and qualifications. Salary by negotiation and based on experience. 

For further information and a full job description, please contact the Harbour Office: 01983 293952, email chc@cowes.co.uk or visit: cowesharbourcommission.co.uk/jobs.

The closing date for applications is Monday, 17th February 2020.