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News - 03/03/14

CHC pledges support for Cowes Etchells event

At Cowes Harbour Commission’s February Board Meeting, it was unanimously agreed to support this summer’s inaugural International Etchells Invitational Cup in Cowes. 

This exciting, new fleet racing event for the Etchells Class is being run by the Royal Thames Yacht Club in conjunction with the Royal London Yacht Club, and takes place from 26th to 31st July 2014. The intention is that it will become an annual event. 

The Commission has confirmed that subsidised moorings will be provided at Shepards Wharf Marina, and a mooring will be supplied at Trinity Landing for a fully dressed Etchells yacht, in front of the RLYC, to provide good spectator appeal and help promote the class. 

Cowes Harbour Master, Capt. Stuart McIntosh, said: “My Commissioners and I, are really looking forward to working with the Etchells Class to make this inaugural event a great success. This promises be a truly international event, which will draw considerable interest to Cowes, and it fits well with CHC’s proposal to support initiatives to bring new events to Cowes.”

Cowes Etchells Captain, David Franks, said: ” I am delighted by the support of the Cowes Harbour Commissioners for the inaugural Etchells Invitational Cup. We have 16 countries, and 20 teams competing, including the Australian John Bertrand, America’s Cup Champion and World Etchells Champion.”

Peter Taylor, MBE, Vice Commodore of the RLYC, stated that the club was delighted to be jointly hosting the International Etchells Invitational Cup. This event will see competitors coming from all over the world, and will be very good for Cowes. He said: “We very much appreciate the support we are receiving from Cowes Harbour Commission in respect of the use of Trinity Landing and the provision of a mooring, for a boat to be dressed overall, in front of the clubhouse to draw attention to the event. This regatta fits in well between the Charles Stanley Cowes Classics Week, which is run by the Royal London, and Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week and will be a busy three weeks for the town.”