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News - 05/01/15

CHC news – October 2010 second edition

Full Planning Consent granted for East Cowes Marina 
Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) is delighted that full planning consent has been granted by the Isle of Wight Council for the next phase of the Cowes Outer Harbour Project – the East Cowes marina development on the Isle of Wight. 

This consent follows the recent news that Sutton Harbour Holdings PLC has been announced by SEEDA as the preferred developer and operator for the new Outer Harbour development at East Cowes. 

The planning consent covers construction of a marina comprising 300 permanent berths with dedicated visitor/event berthing and associated facilities including a marina building, public landing facility and temporary car parking facilities.  

Outline planning permission has also been granted for further development, comprising the permanent marina car park, a 60-bed hotel, 12 town houses and 324 sq m of commercial floorspace.

The water-based elements of the Outer Harbour Project, comprising the outer breakwater and Eastern channel have already been granted the go ahead by the Marine Maritime Organisation (MMO).

Cowes Harbour Commissioners believe this strategic development is vital to the long-term prosperity of the Harbour and local economy. It will finally deliver a long held objective of making Cowes a “truly sheltered harbour”, thereby maximising its potential and useability.

This development is also a key part of the regeneration of East Cowes, and will provide the opportunity to improve the links between East and West Cowes, open up of the waterfront to enhance East Cowes’ status as a gateway and boost tourism in the area.

SEEDA has also expressed its delight about the Isle of Wight Planning Committee decision, Paul Flatt, Senior Development Manager commented that, “The development will mark an important step in the transformation of East Cowes and support the growth of the local economy.” SEEDA will now work with CHC and the Crown Estate on finalising the agreements and they expect work on the scheme to commence in Spring 2011.

The Chief Executive of CHC and Cowes Harbour Master, Captain Stuart McIntosh, said, “This decision and planning consent is great news and a major step towards delivering the Outer Harbour Plan that will finally make Cowes a truly sheltered harbour, improving safety. It is also a significant step towards securing the long term future prosperity of the harbour and the local economy.”

New publishing partner selected
CHC is also very pleased to announce that we have appointed a new publishing partner for the Cowes Port Handbook & Directory and its affiliated website at www.cowes.co.uk. We will be working in conjunction with Island Holiday Media Ltd and Netguides Ltd to develop the Handbook, Directory and website with immediate effect.

After the regrettable demise of The Knowledge Zone, our previous publishing partner, CHC has had to act quickly to ensure that we’re on target to have the 2011 edition ready for publication in March 2011. CHC invited a number of companies to tender, with a simple brief to DEVISE-DEVELOP-DELIVER the Cowes Port Handbook and Directory and its online equivalent.

Rather than sticking rigidly to the existing format, we were looking for a creative and practical solution rather than being overly prescriptive about the need for one company to necessarily produce the Port Handbook and a Cowes Directory and/or Cowes Online. From a starting point of inviting 10 companies, the majority of whom were Island-based, to present outline proposals, we whittled these down to four shortlisted companies and are delighted to be working alongside Island Holiday Media and Netguides.

Stuart McIntosh and his selection panel was particularly impressed by the professionalism and forward-thinking approach taken by Island Holiday Media and their internet partner, Netguides. “We feel very positive about this appointment and believe that the new partnership can take these two well-known information resources into a new phase with an exciting new lease of life.”

Feedback and contact
Don’t forget that Cowes Harbour Commission is always happy to gain feedback on its services and on the issues it is tackling on your behalf. If you want to talk to the Harbour Master, Capt. Stuart McIntosh or Rod Hodgson, the Deputy HM, please feel free to call in to our charmingly refurbished Harbour Office on Town Quay, or phone and make an appointment on Tel: 01983 293 952, or email chc@cowes.co.uk.