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News - 05/01/15

CHC E-News – April 2011

Cowes Harbour Commission is holding its Annual Public Meeting on Monday 23rd May at 1900hrs at the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club. 

The aim of the meeting is to present C.H.C’s Annual Report for 2010/2011; providing an opportunity to inform harbour users and stakeholders with information on the issues, decisions and performance of C.H.C in 2010. In addition C.H.C will take the opportunity to provide an update on its Strategic Policies and objectives going forward; including an update on the Outer Harbour Project. 

There will also be an open session at the meeting allowing the opportunity of raising issues and asking questions to the Commissioners and the Harbour Master / Chief Executive. It is not essential but it would be helpful if advance notice on issues / questions to be raised were emailed to chc@cowes.co.uk.

We hope that you would like to take this opportunity to meet the Commissioners and have an update on the our activities and we look forward to the opportunity for constructive feedback and discussion.

Commissioners appointed for second term
Two Commissioners, Peter Jackson and Peter Morton were due to complete their first term of office on 31st April. Peter Jackson holds the safety and security portfolio and is also C.H.C’s designated person providing advice on safety matters independent from the executive to the Board; Peter Morton holds the commercial services and asset management portfolio.

After receiving confirmation that both Commissioners wished to be considered for a second term the Board considered the matter in their absence at the April meeting. The Board unanimously agreed that they both continued to provide value and expertise to the Commissions activities and they were therefore both re-appointed.

Education! Education! Education!
Harbour byelaw enforcement starts with education

The Cowes Harbour patrols are being ramped up as the season develops to ensure a consistent presence throughout the river and especially at the harbour entrance.

Our Enforcement policy is all about education first and we will only revert to prosecution for serious offences, repeat offenders or any incidents of threatening behavior to our duty staff patrol officers.

The enforcement measures carried out include an initial gentle intervention from our duty patrol officer, advising against the speed of a vessel, wash or other byelaw infringement.

We would then issue a Byelaw infringement notice detailing the infringement, name and address of skipper and boat details. These details are recorded on our database.

For serious infringements or repeat infringements, the matter will be considered by the Harbour Master and either a warning letter issued or a prosecution commenced under Cowes Harbour Commission Byelaw powers.

Cowes Port Handbook & Directory and Cowes.co.uk
The new-look Cowes Port Handbook arrived in Cowes and East Cowes in good time for the glorious Easter Bank Holiday weekend. In fact, it was two weeks ahead of schedule, so by Easter there were more than 5,000 copies already in circulation from Cowes Yacht Haven to East Cowes Marina and throughout the High Street, both sides of the Medina. There are distinctive hardwood chest dispensers at many high-profile locations around the towns.

Business and visitor feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with particular praise for the wider page format, larger tide tables and town maps, as well as the comprehensive business directory.

Captain Stuart McIntosh commented: “The Handbook publishers, Island Holiday Media (IHM), have also been working on the development of an iPhone App which should be available by the 25th May so that visitors can access the www.cowes.co.uk information on their mobile phones.”

Tim Addison from IHM, who produce the CPH for Cowes Harbour Commission, commented, “We’re very happy with how the Handbook turned out and even happier at the responses so far from advertisers and visitors in Cowes. We’re determined to continue to improve the publication, but for now we are turning our attention to the website www.cowes.co.uk.”

The Cowes website carried full updates and photos of the racing in Cowes over the Easter weekend and we already have nearly 500 fans on Facebook. If you search for “Cowes” on Google you will find that cowes.co.uk ranks right at the top, so if you have news to share or are interested in marketing your business online please call David Brooks at IHM on 01983 200336.

Local Notices to Mariners
We just want to remind readers that all Notices to Mariners are published on the Cowes Harbour Commission website which also has all you need to know about our other services.

Cowes Harbour Commission also owns and operates the following commercial services: Shepards Wharf Marina, Kingston Marine Services, Cowes Harbour Moorings and Cowes Harbour Fuels.

Please keep in touch!
Don’t forget that Cowes Harbour Commission is always happy to gain feedback on its services and on the issues it is tackling on your behalf. If you want to talk to the Harbour Master, Capt. Stuart McIntosh or to Rod Hodgson, the Deputy HM, please feel free to call into the Harbour Office on Town Quay, or phone and make an appointment on Tel: 01983 293 952, or email chc@cowes.co.uk.