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News - 04/07/15

Charles Stanley Cowes Classics Week

The 2015 Charles Stanley Cowes Classics Week (CCW) takes place from 20th – 24th July, the eighth year of this popular regatta for metre boats, Classic racing dayboats, one designs, and Old Gaffers. 

A number of the CCW boats will be moored together in the North Basin at Shepards Wharf Marina to create an event atmosphere, whilst the day class swinging moorings to the east of the breakwater Exclusion Zone will accommodate, for example, X One Designs, Dragons, Sunbeams, Swallows etc. 

The regatta is very much a sailors’ event; proper race courses, clean air and clear water are its watchwords! The event has found its own special niche in the sailing calendar and offers a unique opportunity for a wide variety of boats to mix and enjoy each other’s company. For devotees of traditional one-designs, one-off dayboats, old gaffers, and posh and not-so-posh cruising boats, it is very nearly perfect.

Organised by the Royal London Yacht Club with the help of the other leading clubs of Cowes, and following the success of last year’s event – the biggest and best ever – organisers are again working hard to bring exceptional racing and varied shore side parties.

For all the latest Cowes Classics Week news, head to the event website www.cowesclassicsweek.org.

Top photo: © Tim Jeffreys Photography 2013