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News - 25/02/20

Changes to harbour regulations

The annual review of Cowes Harbour’s General Directions (GDs) has been completed. As a result, the CHC Board of Commissioners have agreed at the February Board meeting to change the two Temporary General Directions on Restricted Visibility for commercial vessels into permanent General Directions, and also to change the definition of the Inner and Outer Harbour to clarify the area of regulation for the 6 knots speed limit and no wash.

The following changes to CHC’s General Directions will be subject to statutory consultation with the Cowes Harbour Advisory Committee, the Chamber of Shipping and the RYA, under Section 12 (1) of the Cowes Harbour Revision Order of 2012.

GD 3.18. “Restricted Visibility” of Chapter 3: Navigation and Movement of Vessels
The two Temporary General Directions introduced in response to the Red Funnel ferry incidents of 2018 in restricted visibility are to be included within the set of permanent General Directions. Following the recent publication of the MAIB investigation report into the 2018 Red Falcon/Greylag incident, the CHC Board has approved these two new, permanent General Directions as part of CHC’s safety control measures for navigation in the harbour in restricted visibility conditions. A recommendation to review the General Directions after 12 months was also agreed by Commissioners.

GDs 2.3. “Outer Harbour” and 2.4. “Inner Harbour” of Chapter 2: Interpretation
New wording has been agreed to better define the limits of the Outer and Inner Harbour areas. A clearer description of the Inner Harbour boundary is required for improved consistency and definition of where the Inner Harbour 6 knot speed limit and no wash applies, which is up to 100m from the Mean High Water Mark along the full length of the shore within Cowes Harbour Commission’s area of jurisdiction.

New wording for the changes to the Cowes Harbour General Directions can be viewed at: cowesharbourcommission.co.uk/GDs