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News - 19/12/16

Changes to advertised tidal predictions for Cowes

Please note that there have been some changes to how the tide tables are compiled for Cowes. As from 1st January 2017, the Admiralty Tide Tables will give the time of High Water Cowes that corresponds to the beginning of the High Water period, rather than the peak High Water time. The timing difference between the beginning of the High Water period and the peak High Water time is generally small on spring tides, but can be significant on neap tides. 

Using this revised methodology, the UKHO will be providing consistency with regards to the advertised High Water time in relation to the tidal curve. In Cowes, this will mean that the advertised High Water time will now always be at the beginning of the High Water period. 

For full details, including and examples of typical spring and neap tidal curves, read Cowes Local Notice to Mariners No 61 of 2016.