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News - 25/07/17

CCTV enhances harbour security

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has just completed a major project to install an innovative IP-CCTV system to improve the safety management and security of our harbour for the benefit of all users.

The primary purpose of this new CCTV system is to assist CHC in fulfilling its statutory duties and the safe management of harbour activities, whilst enhancing security and enforcement capabilities within the harbour authority’s area of jurisdiction.

The Commission, the local community and other harbour users will also benefit from a number of tangible benefits gained from the harbour-wide CCTV: 

• Enhanced safety and security for harbour users: The CCTV will act as a visible deterrent to any persons contemplating breaching the Cowes Harbour General Directions and other enforceable laws (such as theft and criminal damage).

• 24/7 CCTV coverage will supplement CHC’s Harbour Patrol capabilities.

• The safety and security of harbour activities can be monitored and analysed leading to the improvement of operations.

• The provision of live images to the Harbour Office incident control room to aid the remote command and control of an appropriate response in the event of an emergency.

• Remote monitoring of navigational aids, visibility and sea conditions.

• Evidence gathering: The provision of evidence to enforce and/or prosecute under the Cowes Harbour General Directions.

• Live webcams: The capability for live images of Cowes Harbour, via for example web cams, to be available on CHC’s website for public interest.

The new system harnesses the latest infrared light finder technology from Axis, the industry benchmark in CCTV cameras and was installed by Berkshire-based Trellisworks, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of wireless, IP-CCTV and mobile data routing solutions.

Capt. Stuart McIntosh, Cowes Harbour Master said: “We selected Trellisworks as our partner for the harbour’s high specification CCTV after being impressed by their professionalism, expertise and proven track record with innovative systems, such as the wireless network for the London 2012 Olympics and Red Funnel’s on board Wi-Fi. They have continued to demonstrate excellence and flexibility as we have installed the new systems in some challenging locations and environmental conditions.”

Jim Kernahan, Managing Director at Trellisworks said: “We were delighted to be chosen to supply the IP-CCTV system for Cowes Harbour Commissioners. We used cameras that can work reliably in a marine environment to always deliver high quality images and installed high-speed radio links and wireless mobile data routing technology. The project required us to deliver a combination of technical solutions to give the optimum complete solution, and we hope the end result is to make Cowes Harbour area a safer place to live, work and have fun in.”

In accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, CHC has issued “Local Notice to Mariners No 19 of 2017 – Use of CCTV and Video Images for Safety and Security”, which constitutes a public notice announcing the introduction of CCTV with the Cowes Harbour Authority area of jurisdiction.