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News - 28/04/15

BBC Radio Solent visits the Cowes Breakwater

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) welcomed Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Shelley Jory-Leigh to Cowes last week for the recording of BBC Radio Solent’s The H20 Show. They visited the new Cowes Breakwater and interviewed Harbour Master Capt. Stuart McIntosh and Paul Datson from Boskalis Westminster about its construction and use. 

Do take a few minutes to listen to the clip from the Show about the Cowes Breakwater Project which includes updates on everything topical relating to this major harbour infrastructure project. Alternatively, you can listen to a podcast of the whole H20 Show and hear more from Capt. McIntosh on the Hoegh Osaka incident in January as well as events to look forward to this summer in Cowes.

Photo (L to R): Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Capt. Stuart McIntosh, Shelley Jory-Leigh, and Paul Datson. Credit BBC Radio Solent.