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News - 25/03/15

Annual Public Meeting and launch of Strategic Policy Document

CHC’s Annual Public Meeting will be held on Thursday, 21st May 2015 and in addition to a full update on the Cowes Harbour Breakwater Project, the main focus of the meeting will be on the launch of the Commission’s proposed new Strategic Policy Document.

Over the winter of 2014-2015 CHC undertook an extensive review of the Commission’s current policies and objectives, consulting with harbour users and stakeholders throughout the process. CHC is now in the final stages of developing a new Strategic Policy Document which will support a five-year rolling budget and capital investment plan covering the period from 2015 to 2020.

The Harbour Commissioners consider it is essential to consult and involve harbour users and wider stakeholders right through to the approval of the new strategy. Therefore, we look forward to sharing CHC’s new Strategic Policy Document with as many of you as possible at our Annual Public Meeting on 21st May, starting at 1900 in the Island Sailing Club, Cowes. Make sure the date is in your diary!