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News - 16/12/16

Annual mooring licence renewals for 2017

All Cowes Harbour licenced annual mooring holders should have received their renewal forms by now; please ensure that these are completed and returned promptly. The deadline for payment of annual mooring licences is Friday, 6th January 2017. If you are planning to give up your mooring for 2017, it would be helpful if you could you let us know before the end of December. 

As stated in our Outer Harbour Project December update, 11 yachts on main harbour moorings will need to be re-located when the harbour infrastructure and Homes and Communities Agency led marina works in East Cowes commence. However, these yachts will now be able to remain in place for most or all of the 2017 season. The mooring holders affected will receive a letter from CHC with further information prior to the Christmas break. 

For all enquiries, and to update your contact information, do get in touch with the Cowes Harbour Moorings team based at Shepards Wharf Marina by phone on 01983 297821 or email to shepards.chc@cowes.co.uk