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News - 18/05/15

Agenda for Annual Public Meeting

CHC Chairman Roger Mathias and the Commissioners will be present at the Annual Public Meeting on 21st May, and would like to extend an invitation to all Cowes Harbour users and stakeholders to attend. At the meeting, Harbour Master Capt. Stuart McIntosh will give a short presentation, on behalf of the Commissioners, on CHC’s Annual Report for 2014-2015

Cowes Breakwater Project: 
The Harbour Master will then focus on presenting a full update on the Cowes Breakwater Project and its long-term objectives, the construction programme and navigational information for the final phase of works this year, as well as an update on the tidal regime.

2015 is set to be a pivotal year in the development of Cowes Harbour. Completion of the new Cowes Breakwater will realise the Commission’s long-term goal of transforming Cowes into a true sheltered harbour, supporting jobs and businesses and creating a catalyst for further investment, as is already being seen with the proposed new marina and Solent Gateways development projects in East Cowes.

East Cowes development:
There will also be a development update regarding the Homes and Communities Agency’s proposed new Victoria Marina in East Cowes. This proposed marina development will assist with the additional funding required to enable CHC to complete the harbour protection programme. The final stages of harbour infrastructure involve the construction of the Shrape breakwater extension and improved harbour access and navigational safety by the dredging of the new Eastern Channel.

Solent Gateways:
In addition, a summary of the Solent Gateways project will be provided. Solent Gateways is a partnership between the Homes and Communities Agency, Isle of Wight Council, Red Funnel, and Southampton City Council.

This scheme will give the enabling public infrastructure needed to improve the Red Funnel Ferry terminals on each side of the Solent, including access roads, cycling and walking routes, town centre public realm in East Cowes, good quality waterfront areas, and a new ‘floating bridge’ between East and West Cowes.

The ‘floating bridge’ has safety and navigation impacts, which need to be taken into consideration for the design of the new Chain Ferry and therefore, the Harbour Master Capt. McIntosh has been invited by the Isle of Wight Council to sit on the steering board for the procurement of the new Chain Ferry.

CHC Strategic Policy Document 2015-2020:
Over the winter and spring of 2014 to 2015, Cowes Harbour Commissioners have been consulting and developing the new strategic policies that will cover the period from 2015 to 2020 and beyond. CHC’s updated vision, key strategic policies and objectives will be promoted at the Annual Public Meeting before the final round of consultation takes place.

Following the presentations, there will be an opportunity for discussion and the Commissioners and Harbour Master will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Date for your diary: Thursday, 21st May, CHC Annual Public Meeting, 1900 at the Island Sailing Club, Cowes. We look forward to seeing you there.