4.18 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

News - 23/02/16

2016 updates to Cowes General Directions

A revised set of Cowes Harbour General Directions will come into force on 1st March 2016. 

The Cowes Safety Management System is reviewed at least annually to ensure Cowes Harbour Commission’s continued compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code; part of this review is an analysis of our enforcement powers to ensure that they remain fit for purpose. One of these powers is the right to issue General Directions for Cowes Harbour. The current set of General Directions came into force on 1st April 2013, with the Chain Ferry General Direction replacing the last byelaw in January 2014 along with the last set of amendments.

The Cowes General Directions were reviewed in December 2015 along with our updated navigational risk assessments, taking into consideration the completion of the new Cowes Breakwater and the requirements of the revised Port Marine Safety Code issued March 2015.

Formal consultation on a revised set of Cowes Harbour General Directions has now been completed, with the changes due to come into force on 1st March 2016. This will see the introduction of three new General Directions, an amendment to General Direction 5.18, the removal of references to our Byelaws (which have now all been superseded by General Directions), an updated diagram to show the new Cowes Breakwater and buoyage, and minor type corrections.

See also Local Notice to Mariners No 23 of 2016.

The full set of updated General Directions will be available to view from 1st March 2016 at: cowesharbourcommission.co.uk/general_directions

New General Directions:
3.18 – Restricted Visibility – ‘During periods of restricted visibility (defined as less than 2 cables) all vessels of 30m length overall and above shall not intentionally pass each other within the Inner Fairways of the harbour north of Medina Wharf, this includes overtaking.’

3.19 – VHF Communications within Cowes harbour – All vessels of 30 metres length overall and above are required to give notice of entry, movement or departure within the area of jurisdiction of Cowes Harbour on VHF Channel 69 as detailed in the Cowes Local Notices to Mariners.

7.8 – Landing on Breakwaters – No person shall land, or otherwise trespass on, either the detached breakwater or the East Cowes Shrape breakwater except in emergency or with the written permission of the Harbour Master.

Amended General Directions:
5.18 – Use of navigation buoys as race marks – The use of Inner Fairway navigation buoys, small craft channel buoys and beacons as race marks is prohibited without the written permission of the Harbour Master.