2.91 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

LNTM - 02/01/25

Local Notice to Mariners No. 17 of 2025

Reports of Oil Pollution in Cowes Harbour

(This is a reissue of Local Notice to Mariners No. 04 of 2023, which is hereby cancelled.)

In order that oil pollution may be effectively dealt with mariners, occupants of recreational craft and other persons sighting significant patches of oil on the water in the Harbour of Cowes are invited to report the sighting, giving the position, extent, description (e.g. light film, slick, heavy black, crude etc) and direction of movement if possible. 

Reports should be made as follows:

To the Harbour Master, Cowes

  • VHF Channel 69 (Call Sign ‘Cowes Harbour Radio’)
  • Telephone 01983 293952 (office hours)

HM Coastguard (only if contact cannot be made with the Cowes Harbour)

  • VHF Channel 16 or 67 (Call Sign ‘ Solent Coastguard’)
  • Telephone 02392 552100

These reports will be forwarded to the appropriate authorities that will then put into operation all the necessary action to deal with the pollution.

This local notice to mariners will remain in force until further notice.

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