2.82 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

LNTM - 02/01/25

Local Notice to Mariners No. 16 of 2025

Prevention of Pollution and Reception Facilities for Ship Generated Waste

(This is a reissue of Local Notice to Mariners 06 of 2023, which is hereby cancelled)

The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage) Regulations 2020 make it an offence for any type of vessel, regardless of size including recreational craft, to dispose of any garbage or refuge overboard within a certain distance of land and in the case of plastic and other persistent rubbish in any sea area surrounding the United Kingdom.  For vessels within the entire area of Cowes Harbour the dumping of any garbage and operational waste including food waste is prohibited.

The Merchant Shipping (Port Waste Reception Facilities) Regulations 2003 (as amended) require Harbour Authorities and/or berth operators, shipyards and marinas to provide adequate reception facilities for the collection of prescribed waste from vessels.

The Harbour Authority of Cowes expects all berth operators, marinas, shipyards and other water-frontages within the jurisdiction of Cowes Harbour to provide reception facilities for garbage originating from the vessels using such independent berths.

Mariners are advised that in accordance with the above regulations, facilities are available within the Port of Cowes for the reception of ships waste as defined under each of the MARPOL annexes.  The Port of Cowes has a waste management plan covering the berth and wharf facilities within the harbour.

All mariners are expected to make use of these garbage reception facilities to dispose of all suitable waste.  Where a vessel is not in a position to obtain shore-based facilities such as mid river moorings or anchorages, refuse should be retained aboard until the vessel is berthed alongside.

Any vessel experiencing difficulty in obtaining garbage reception facilities should initially inform the berth marina or shipyard operator and then the Cowes Harbour office if the difficulty continues.

This local notice to mariners will remain in force until further notice.

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