2.91 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

LNTM - 02/01/25

Local Notice to Mariners No. 09 of 2025

Use of CCTV and Video Images for Safety and Security

(This is a reissue of Local Notice to Mariners 07 of 2022, which is hereby cancelled)

Notice is hereby given that this Notice to Mariners constitutes a public notice in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) gives notice that it permanently undertakes surveillance by closed circuit television (CCTV), which covers the waters within its Statutory Area and, additionally, the Patrol Officers and Berthing Masters are equipped with ‘Body Worn Video Cameras’.

CHC operates an education policy first when dealing with enforcement issues. Harbour users will be engaged with and educated on the need for compliance and safety effects of non-compliance. Where all educational avenues have been exhausted CHC may look to prosecute repeat offenders in order to safeguard all Harbour users.

Any evidence will be collected that CHC feel is necessary if it considers that the law may have been broken. This may include photographs, Radar images, AIS playback and information, and video pictures. Please note that VHF conversations are recorded in case of need for investigation by the MAIB or required for undertaking a prosecution.

CCTV and video images are recorded in order to enable the Harbour Master to carry out his statutory functions under the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC), and for the purpose of promoting maritime safety, crime prevention and public safety. They may also be used in pursuing prosecutions against offenders.

Although some appropriate warning signs may be sited, the nature of the areas under CCTV surveillance precludes the siting of warning signs throughout the Cowes Harbour Commission area of jurisdiction. This Notice is to be considered in lieu of such signs. Furthermore, CHC will not collect private information.   

This local notice to mariners will remain in force until further notice.

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