2.26 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

Harbour Information

Weather & Tide

The Cowes Weather Station delivers tide and weather data for the benefit of leisure and commercial harbour users.

Tide height and visibility – a fixed weather station at Shepards Marina.

Wind speed and direction, temperature, and barometric pressure – a floating weather station in the main harbour.

NOTE: This information is for guidance ONLY and not to be solely relied upon. To be used in conjunction with other meteorological and tidal information. Cowes Harbour Commission accepts no responsibility for inaccurate data.


Speed: 5.11 kt

Direction: 240.5° WSW

Gusts: 6.88 kt

25/03/25 15:07

Tide Heights

Observed: 2.26 m

25/03/25 15:05


Temperature: 14.7 °C

Humidity: 69 %

DewPoint: 9.3 °C

25/03/25 15:07


Speed: 0.07 kt

Direction: 022.5° NNE

25/03/25 15:06

Windfinder specialises in wind, waves, tides and weather reports and forecasts for wind related sports such as sailing, surfing, paragliding, kite surfing or wind surfing.

View the Tide Calendar

Tidal predictions for Cowes are based on the new updated tidal curve, specific to Cowes Harbour.

Tide Calendar